ATELIER HOME ORGANIZING - Ma.15/10: 10h-12h or 13h-15h ** Sa.19/10: 10h-12h
¡La suerte que tenéis con nuestros talleres es que podéis elegir vuestro idioma!
Este taller para la CASA se dará en francés y en inglés a mediados de octubre con FANNY MOYA, Home Organizer y experta en Feng Shui.
Si queréis asistir al taller ENERGIA EN CASA y Feng Shui en español, os invitamos antes con SARA BERNAL, el sábado 28/09 o el martes 02/10. Ver Ficha anterior.
Atelier DECOUVERTE du Home Organizing : Votre maison transformée
Home Organizing Discovery workshop: Your house transformed
Vous rêvez d'une maison ordonnée, où chaque espace est optimisé et où vous vous sentez vraiment bien ? 🌿
Do you dream of an orderly house, where every space is optimized and where you feel really good? 🌿
Rejoignez Fanny, home organizer et expert Feng Shui et Valérie, aromathérapeute et spécialiste Bien-être, pour un atelier convivial de 2 heures.
Découvrez les secrets du Home Organizing et des parfums inspirants! ✨
Join Fanny, home organizer and Feng Shui expert and Valérie, aromatherapist and Well-being specialist, for a friendly 2-hours workshop.
Discover the secrets of Home Organizing and inspiring fragrances! ✨
👉 Au programme 👉 The program:
•How to effectively declutter your interior
• The keys to a successful and sustainable organization
You will feel inspired and ready to transform your home!
IMPORTANT: N’oubliez pas d’amener vos vêtements, linge de maison pour la partie pliage! (Draps, draps housse, sous-vêtements, T-shirt...).
IMPORTANT: Don't forget to bring your clothes, household linen for the folding part! (Sheets, fitted sheets, underwear, T-shirt...).
Calle Sol Naciente, 29. Madrid. (Arturo Soria district).
Groupe limité à 12 personas. Niveau: Initiation.
Limited group of 12 people. Level: Initiation.
EN CADEAU: cahier, ordre chromatique, flacon de parfum, matières premières Bio, recettes.
FREE Notebook, chromatic ranking, fragrance bottle, organic raw materials, recipes.
Achetez votre place de préférence avant le 8 octobre sur ce site.
Ou si besoin Inscrivez-vous sur la liste d'attente au WhatsApp: 635.89.98.86.
La réservation est considérée définitive 48h avant la date de l'atelier, et ne sera pas remboursée, sauf annulation 48h avant cette date pour permettre aux personnes en liste d'attente de s'inscrire à temps.
Buy your ticket before October 8th on this page.
Or if needed, register on the waiting list on WhatsApp: 635.89.98.86.
The reservation is considered final 48 hours before the workshop date, and will not be refunded, unless canceled 48 hours before this date to allow people on the waiting list to register in time.
Fanny speaks also Portuguese, and Valérie Spanish, so this is a truly international group!
Description in PORTUGUESE (a good level of french or english depending on the chosen session is required nevertheless):
Home Organizing : sua casa transformada
Você sonha com uma casa organizada, onde cada espaço é otimizado e onde você se sente realmente bem? 🌿 Junte-se à Fanny, home organizer e consultora Feng Shui, para um workshop agradável de 2 horas e descubra os segredos da Organização de casa! ✨
👉 No programa:
• Como fazer uma triagem eficaz
• As chaves para uma organização bem-sucedida e duradoura
• Técnicas de dobra simples para otimizar o espaço
Você sairá inspirado(a) e pronto(a) para transformar sua casa! Não se esqueça de trazer suas roupas e roupa de cama para a parte de dobra! (Lençóis, fronhas, roupas íntimas, camisetas...)